and it begins anew

a couple of headfakes.  desires withdrawn.  and finally, this.  a new home.  after 9+ years of (my first domain name), i’ve finally gone international, creative, and above all, more self-centered.  and i’m on a real blogging platform now.  i used to reject that word, ‘blogging’ – nitin and i used to argue about it in high school.  and now, here i am, accepting if not embracing it, on software made by someone else for this express purpose, in iceland.

it’s an interesting time to start clean and professional-like.  my fiancee is in washington, d.c. working for senator chuck schumer and helping confirm a new supreme court justice.  i’m in california working for a start-up in silicon valley.  we are doing exactly what we want to do, but far away from each other and thus exactly what we don’t want to do.  a summer of introspection is sure to follow.

i hope to mix in the classic elscorcho-style stories with photography, baseball (though not too much, as to keep about90feet afloat), and programming chatter.  when i finally get back to updating it, i’ll have photos on mytheoryontimetravel and in the photo gallery, though photography has taken a backseat recently to work and baseball.  and occcasional video game chatter here too, i’m sure.

(i don’t write that last paragraph for you, but for me – elscorcho lost its way and became stale, and i don’t want that to happen here just yet.)

anyway, here we are, and here i am, and here it goes.

One thought on “and it begins anew”

  1. I love that you’re blogging on a real platform!

    Correction: We used to argue in college. I don’t think the word “Blog” was around in high school. 😉

    I hope WordPress will e-mail me if you reply to this comment.

    See ya,

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